We have a new family member! We are so excited to share our photos and videos with you as he grows every month and settles in to our beaut little family
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Cruz Loves having a bath with dad
Mum said no dummies in the bath dad!
The hunger test - 1 bite on the nose for hungry and 2 bites for 'these crazy people are starving me to death' (not the case, cruz has grown 3cm since birth & put on 600g since leaving hospital)
Aunty Lisa cashing in on her well deserved cuddle after giving cruz a bath and changing a very dirty nappy!
chillin' with his homies
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I went into labour at approx 1pm on Thursday. We went to hospital at 9.30pm and I spent about 3 hours labouring drug free in water followed by lots of gas and more water. This is me at approx 3.30am (demanding an epidural) after the gas just wasn't helping and we were spine to spine and in lots of pain. Bub arrived at 10.47am with a little suction help.
Cruz Emerson Nichols was born on the 7th of March 2007
He is just perfect!
Our little family
He finally arrived after being 9 days overdue
Our big baby boy weighed in at 4.5kg and just over 10lb
His first cuddle with dad - approx 30 mins old
6 Hours old
His first bath which he loved. He sure is a water baby since his mum did lots of swimming while she was pregnant
All the fuss got a little overwhelming at times, so he took some time out
Cruz was very well known by the nurses for having such cute clothes, they started calling him 'suit man' along with 'the talking baby' and 'lizard boy'! He certainly was a hit since he was so big, so alert and such a chatter box
Dad knows the tricks at how to settle him while we wait for discharge papers
We took Cruz home on Wednesday
Leaving the hospital - partly pleased and partly petrafied!
He didn't seem to mind the car too much -
Mum and dad did though, they never showed us how to get bub into the car seat at parenting classes! We seem to have it down pat now
Dad gives great massages after his bath
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Adam has plenty to smile about whilst he waits for his strawberry smoothie, char-grilled chicken burger and nachos (which I helped make a dint in) to be delivered
We took our first trip to The Entrance today - certainly wont be the last, it is such a lovely place!
We had a lovely day down the coast today as we killed some time waiting for the arrival of the bub. At 41 weeks pregnant, the car trip was long, the toilet stops were frequent and my feet are very swollen from walking. All that aside, it was a beautiful day with wonderful company :o)
We couldn't help but share out excitement with those walking by!
3 Days till we meet our baby (finally)
We got some gossip mags and lay by the water just enjoying the peace and quiet while it still exists!