Thursday, April 24, 2008

Yes - another baby photo!
(For those who only visit my blog to see pics of the baby)
The best birthday present in the world!
This has been my best birthday yet.
Being a mum tops off the rollerblades when I was 7, the fantastic flower making kit when I was 11, the skateboard when I was 9, and even then puppy when I was 10!
My birthday present to myself - new hair for the new mum, now I just need to get to the gym!

I had to do this.......
(the dairy farmers have got nothing on me!)
So that I could do this, for my birthday. I enjoyed a few glasses of wine, that will do me now until another birthday rolls around.

I have warned uncle mike not the put the boy anywhere near his nipples

Ric turned 56 on Tuesday so we all met up for tea- The birthday boy was very spoilt, showered with gifts, chocolates, beautiful food.... and head massages
Gran fay won everyone over with her home made apple pie....

And I baked a cake - much harder than I had imagined with a 7 week old baby

Mum put on a delicious feast - we are all benefiting from her new years resolution
(to be a little more adventurous than meatloaf with her cooking....'what's this love?' 'meatloaf dahl' )
Who was more surprised by the flash? Matching wide eyes and chins too!

Friday, April 18, 2008

It seems the conversation at uncle mikes 26th birthday on tuesday wasn't as interesting as some would have preferred.

There is no point beating around the bush! (Courtesy of Aunty Stina)

Especially when he changes my nappy

No, the top shelf isn't Myer - but close to it!
How can one little guy need so much stuff. It's only midday today and we are already in outfit number 3

Don't say 'cheese' say 'cooooooooooooon' (this is what we call his coon face)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Today Cruz went to the Newcaslte show with Aunty Lisa, Uncle Gav and Nan Nichols

No show experience would be complete without some hot chips.....

And a bottle of Coke

'Every child wins a prize'

Uncle Gav won Cruz a very masculine sword

Pip's always telling Cruz how his mum grew up on goats milk - by lunch time he was willing to take anything

Soccer was at Jesmond park this week - once again adam managed to injure himself while Aunty Lisa nursed Cruz

Cruz meets grandma for the first time on Saturday

I thought I was organised washing my 'whites' seperate from my 'colours' but adams grandparents take the whole washing thing that little bit more serious than most! (10 rows of 4)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Cruz met his oldest relative yesterday - His great Nan Morty at the redhead gardens nursing home

Nanna and Poppy, still the romantics after all these years

Cruz had lots to smile about while we got ready to go to his great nanna and poppy's birthdays

uncle mike doesn't realise that he's giving cruz a bit of a camel (napy) toe!

Adam and I went out to dinner and the movies a fewweeks back - without the baby!!!
we only called once to check on things

no better place to relax than on dads chest!

2 weeks and 6 days